How To Lose A Jean Size In A Week
If the only way you know how to lose a jean size in a week is to starve yourself, then you need some new diet tools in your toolkit. The truth is that you can lose a jean size in a week with healthy strategies (detailed in the Beta Switch) that can be applied to your diet for the rest of your life, not just for the week.
Anything below that you are not doing right now, start doing. Once you change your diet around to one that supports good health and weight, you will find that slipping into those smaller jeans next week will be entirely possible.
Drink More Water
If you are not getting enough water in your day, start drinking up. Studies have shown that drinking water can reduce the amount of calories you take in during the day by up to 200. That could equal 1400 calories in a week.
“After drinking approximately 17 ounces of water, the subjects’ metabolic rates — or the rate at which calories are burned — increased by 30%…” – WebMD
Moreover, if you drink ice-cold water, you can boost your metabolism and burn about 50 more calories off per day. So, you can add another 350 calorie reduction just by drinking your water cold.
Get More Sleep
If you are not getting enough sleep, make it your mission this week to get as much sleep as you need without excuses. This may mean you will need to go to bed earlier, but it will be worth it in the end.
When you don’t get enough sleep, your hunger can increase because leptin levels decrease. Leptin is a hormone that regulates appetite and signals fullness. When your levels are low, you are less likely to feel full after a healthy portion of food and more likely to overeat.
Only Eat When Hungry
Do you tend to eat on a schedule, or do you eat only when you are hungry? If you are ruled by a schedule, it’s time to change it and listen to your body instead of the clock. Your body knows when it needs fuel, the clock doesn’t.
In fact, your body knows the exact the amount of food it needs to do its job, and if you listen to it, you can help your body naturally balance out its weight.
The best time to eat is when you feel moderately hungry, not when you are tipping the scales towards starving. For instance, if your stomach is growling, and food has suddenly become a thought in the forefront of your mind, then it is time to eat.
The best time to stop eating is when you feel satisfied, not full. If you are eating and you feel full, then you are simply eating out of taste or momentum rather than actual hunger.
Eat The Right Kind Of Calories
What kind of food are you putting in your body when you eat? We now know that a calorie is not just a calorie. Some foods interact differently with your body than other foods, and eating the right kind of foods will help your body burn off fat faster and get you into those jeans quicker.
You probably know the basic rule of thumb to avoid eating fatty foods and processed foods. Only eat natural food that supports good health.
But you should also include protein at every meal. Protein releases satiety hormones faster than fat or carbohydrates, which means you feel more full on less food. Research has shown that increasing your daily protein intake by 30% can reduce your caloric intake by up to 450 calories per day! In fact, if you have a few glasses of water and a handful of protein filled nuts, such as almonds, you can aid your controlling hunger hormones in a positive way.