Beta Switch Reviews – Is The Sue Heintze Program Actually Good?
There are so many diets on the market today that it can be hard to choose which one to try next. The point, though, is that we should not have to be continuously on a diet because a diet should solve our weight problems. The Beta Switch guarantees that it will give you a visible reduction of your trouble spots within 7 days without strict and painful dieting or excessive exercising. Is this really possible, or just another fake promise? In this review of The Beta Switch, I’ll outline the pros and cons and you should be able to make a decision for yourself to see if this may just work for you.
What Is The Beta Switch?
The Beta Switch is a 12-week nutrition and lifestyle program that walks you through a step-by-step method to switch off the fat storing receptors in your body and switch on the fat burning receptors. You get a quick start plan to help you switch on your fat burning body quickly – hence the name ‘The Beta Switch’.
Moreover, you learn what to eat, drink, and which herb extracts can help you avoid turning your fat burning receptors off and your fat storing receptors back on. Lastly, you will learn what a cheat day is really all about, and how to add a cheat day to your diet to stop weight loss plateaus and reboot your thyroid hormone.
That alone could help you transform the way your body functions and how much weight you are able to lose; however, the creator of the program has added a few extra things to The Beta Switch to complement the nutrition aspect.
Included In The Program
– A 12-week workout system. In it, you will learn how to get better results for your exercise efforts, such as which cardio will burn fat from your most stubborn fat cells and a simple trick to help you double up on your fat burning results.
– A special report on boosting your body image. This is an important aspect of weight and fat loss because women, thanks to the media and other sources, are too hard on their bodies and tend to see something that is not there when they look in the mirror. This report will help you appreciate your body and stop being so hard on yourself.
– Information on how to drop one jean size in 9 days through diet. While the 12-week program is about changing your body’s system for the long term, this information will help you rapidly slim down and get into those jeans you have not been able to fit into for a while.
– Information about how your mental state can help you win the game over fat loss. If you didn’t know, your mental state has a huge influence over your ability to lose weight or not, and this Beta Switch component will help you develop the mindset you need to lose the weight once and for all.
– A 3 month membership to Tight n’ Toned, because a support system has been noted as the number one way to stay focused and commit to a new healthy lifestyle. This membership area also has tips, tricks, and recipes to further your success. Moreover, the author of The Beta Switch regularly gets on this site and answers questions.
How It Works
It goes against common diet principles. The author says that common diets are too strict, and they actually cause fat to store in your body despite the fact that you are eating less and exercising more. Her method, she says, can help you lose the fat in your problem areas, such as your belly and thighs, without the intense effort that you have to put in with other diets. The system she has developed is not focused on strict calorie control; instead, the nutrition aspect works at a cellular level to transform your body from the inside, which causes it to transform on the outside.
About Sue Heintze
Sue Heintze is the founder of Ideal Bodies Online. She has contributed to many fitness magazines, including the Australian Oxygen magazine and Shape.
More importantly, she grew up focused on health and fitness, but did not have the information to achieve the results she really wanted. Like many of us, she had that familiar feeling of being a failure with her diet and exercise program. But, when she got some new information that she had never seen before, her life changed. She put herself on a 3-month program based on the new information and saw amazing changes in her body that gave her more confidence, energy, and motivation. Now, she helps other people change their lives in the same way through her programs and expertise.
Click here to learn more about Sue and her program.
Positive Reviews
- Reset your metabolism for optimal metabolic function.
- No more extreme dieting that causes mental stress, hunger pangs, and longing for food that often causes you to give up.
- No more extreme exercise routines that are hard to do and are almost impossible to commit to full-time.
- Detailed instructions for every exercise so that you cannot get it wrong.
- Science backed for safe and quick results.
- Learn how to get rid of the negative body image that can actually hurt your weight loss efforts.
- Lose one jean size in 1 week – guaranteed.
- Get more energy and more body confidence.
- Immediate access to all information because it is all digital.
- 3 month membership to Tight n’ Toned for support, extra tips, and more.
- The price is a fraction of what it would cost for one consultation with Sue.
Negative Reviews
- Not for people who are looking for a quick fix without change in their lifestyle.
- The price may go up if you do not buy within a certain time frame.
Where To Buy
The Beta Switch is available for purchase on Sue Heintze’s website. She sells the program through ClickBank, which is a popular marketplace for digital products, like The Beta Switch.
There is a triple guarantee behind The Beta Switch. If you are not happy with the information, your results, or customer service, you can ask for your money back. In fact, sue says that if you don’t see a reduction in 1 week, she expects you to ask for a full refund. However, the money back guarantee is for 60 days, which means customers will have plenty of time to see results before deciding.
Is It Really Worth It?
While looking over The Beta Switch I was reading other books on diet and weight loss as well, and I have found that fad diets are simply not doing any good for people. Most people are gaining back the weight they lost, and many are gaining back more weight than they lost. This keeps people on a never-ending cycle of diets, weight loss, and weight gain.
The Beta Switch offers a different way to lose the weight and fat, and the author has used it on herself and many of her clients to prove that the science behind the theory is sound. If you can go on a diet, not starve yourself, lose weight, and not gain it back, then yes – it is worth it. Moreover, the diet program is backed by a money back guarantee, and promises results that will be seen quickly, so it is a risk free venture to change your health for good.
Click here to purchase the program or to learn more on the official website.